Working in the office, often you'll feel the need to print off documents just because you can and you think you'll need them later. Copy paper, like the kind used in photocopiers, computer printers and plain-paper fax machines, is the most common type of office waste paper. We ask that you remember a few things before printing off that joke email from a colleague.
- Proofread onscreen before printing
- Copy & paste only what you need to print
- Don’t print unnecessary emails
- Reuse documents/copies if possible
Benefits of using less:
- Storage and handling. Paper is bulky to store, in boxes or in file cabinets. By using fewer sheets, you can put storage space to more productive use. For example, Owens Corning recently made all of its offices worldwide "paperless." Having had 14,000 file cabinets around the world, the company has already saved around $30 million in lease costs.
- Mailing costs. Fewer sheets mailed may mean reduced postage. A single-sided 10-page letter costs $0.63 to send by U.S. first class ; that same letter, copied onto both sides of the paper, uses only five sheets and requires only $0.39 in postage. The price of postage is rising, and those extra ounces can really add up.
- Environmental benefits. By increasing double-sided copying (duplexing), U.S. offices could reduce annual paper use by 20 percent (Inform, Inc). By using and discarding less paper, you are conserving resources, reducing water and energy use, and preventing pollution.